Wife on a Dime

Office Organization

I figured now would be the perfect time to share an affordable way to get organized since so many of you have kids going back to school. Soon they will have their school work, permission slips, and artwork all over your fridge and counters. Since I work from home, things get thrown in my office, on my desk, and any mail or documents we have are stuck in random drawers with no organization.

The Montclair

For this month’s project I figured I’d look for a file cabinet to store all the important things in while still keeping it budget friendly. I found 2 Better Homes & Gardens filing cabinets that I loved. I’ll be linking every thing on my LTK page, if you feel inspired to get your office in order.

Cabinet one was the Nola Lateral File Cabinet and my favorite because it has gold details and it was larger to store more docs. I was worried I didn’t have a lot of space for it so instead I went with The Montclair 2 Drawer File Cabinet. It was cute and modern with one drawer and half the price of the larger one. I slightly regret not doing the larger one Because in the long run, that’s the one I need but this one will work for a while.

I put the cabinet together on my own and the directions were great. I wouldn’t say it was difficult but it did take me much longer than any other BH&G furniture I’ve built. Mostly because there were many screws and it was just time consuming. It seems very sturdy and the drawers slide out smoothly. The legs make it look fancy and modern. The metal knobs are a nice touch and I’m thinking I’ll spray paint them gold. The surface does have a slight wood texture so it looks and feels like wood.

I used these baskets as decor and also as a paper trash can and they come in a two pack. They are the best baskets ever. It comes in a larger version too that would be great for laundry or even toy story in a kids room.

I made a decorative jar out of an old empty BH&G candle I had been saving. To get the last bit of wax out I put it in the freezer for a few hours and it popped right out of the bottom. Drilled a whole in the wooden lid and added a cute knob from Hobby Lobby. I currently have file labels and tape inside but you could also use it for paperclips.

I organized my pens and highlighters in a small plant stand I already had and stored my markers in the decorative box underneath to save space. You could used a cute mug you have laying around too!

This is my favorite lamp ever. The modern vibe and wood tone fits with the file cabinet and I love that it’s a touch lamp. Just tap it to turn it on or off. It was only $26 which is a steal for this quality. The other lamp was actually a clearance find at Walmart for $6. I just purchased the shade separately.

These sconces were an easy DIY project years ago. I cut the wires off them and used gorilla glue to glue remote controlled battery powered puck lights inside them. I didn’t realize the batteries were out in them before I took photos but they really look cute without having to wire lights in.

Walmart has a ton of cute affordable desk options. I’ve had this desk for years and its pretty expensive so I’ll share some better options below. Tap the pic to shop.

Lastly, is my gold and black chair. I ordered this over a year ago because I was obsessed with the colors. It’s definitely not the most comfortable. If I sit for more than an hour or so I start to wish I ordered a BH&G or something more practical haha. It’s sturdy and cute though and comes in many colors. I’ll link a few other options with better ratings just in case.

I would love to hear your office organizing tips in the comments below! Also, please subscribe while you’re here. You’ll only get about 1 email a month when I publish a new blog. Thank you for supporting me. You can tap the photo below or head over to my LTK page to shop all of my Walmart finds.

Tap to shop

Special thanks to Better Homes & Gardens at Walmart for sponsoring this project! BH&G is my favorite brand and I’m honored to share my budget friendly projects with you each month. Be sure to subscribe!